Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I know I'm having a rough, long, frustrating day when I hear A singing this song, and it infuriates me:

"Sally can do, and midge gets a boo, ahh bib-uh-dee, bob-uh-dee, boobie".

Seriously, this makes me mad? What is wrong with me! I need a nap, or a glass of wine, or something. Tonight, I wish it wasn't going to rain so I could sit out back, light a fire and enjoy a nice glass of wine or something. No such luck.

On a more positive note, my frustration stems from a positive milestone. John and I are officially out of debt. (This does NOT include our very low car payment and mortgage of course). No more student loans. No more credit cards. No more collection calls. Done & done. It wasn't easy, and I'm not happy about the timing of it all, because things will be very tight for a while. But, at least it's done.

Next mission: Turn this day around. Put the kids in their rooms for rest time, do a half hour on the treadmill, then shop online for Lucas' first birthday gift. My baby is going to be one year old exactly one week from today. AHHHHH!

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